Friday, February 10, 2012

Music: The International Language of Worship

As the first choir made its way slowly up on to the platform I wondered to myself what the music of the church in Ethiopia would be like.  I have the privilege to travel to multiple African countries every year and have experienced the wonder of African worship from large cement block churches in cities to mud-walled, thatched roof village churches.  In each setting and in each country I have found the heart of worship to be expressed in ways that so clearly reflect the dynamic uniqueness of the people and their culture. 

The keyboard player started the background rhythm and when he struck the first cord I knew that we were in for a real treat!  Young Ethiopian choir members were soon singing with all their might in the language of their heart.   Their faces expressed their joy in loving and serving Jesus.  The sheer volume of their singing along with the choreographed swaying and movements showed the enthusiasm in their worship and soon the entire congregation was singing along with them.  Hundreds and hundreds of voices lifting praise to the Savior in a language that I couldn’t understand.  However, I didn’t need to be able to speak the language to know the love and joy that was driving their worship of the Lord that I too love and serve.

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