Friday, July 27, 2012

Genuine Gospel Transformation: Part 2

Over the past couple of weeks I've been reflecting on what we are really looking to see as evidence of genuine Gospel transformation in people's lives as the “good news” takes root in their hearts. In looking back over my life I realized how much I have been influenced by my own life experience.

From my own church upbringing I sensed a clear expectation of certain levels of behavioral change that would evidence the fact that someone was genuinely born again. This often included unwritten, but very well understood lists of both "dos” and “don'ts". We used to say tongue in cheek, “We don’t drink, dance or chew and we don’t go with girls who do….” The reality was that a vast majority of things on these two lists were "good" and were things that many maturing believers really should evidence. However, the problem was that the focus was on the surface behaviors more than on the genuine change of heart and mind that would naturally lead to acting in such ways.

The lists did include some things that were more cultural than Biblical and unfortunately they really didn't get to the heart of the matter, which is the change of worldview that is essential for genuine transformation to take place. Our desire should be to see people living their lives out of a genuinely Biblical worldview so that the values and virtues of the Kingdom of God are the natural expression of what it means to be a follower of Jesus in everyday life. 

As I look back on with the advantage of over 30 years of full time ministry experience, I am afraid that it often became more about behavior modification than the actual renewing of heart and mind that the Apostle Paul wrote about in Romans 12:1&2. I saw this lead to situations where someone could attend every church service, Bible study and prayer meeting in a given week, yet be a tyrant in the secrecy of his home and a lazy or dishonest employee at work. The “disconnect” in all of this is striking and breaks my heart.  In addition, it misleads both the person claiming to be following Jesus and those around him/her watching how they live toward a false understanding of what it means to be a follower of Jesus.

I agree with Dr. Paul Hiebert in his book "Transforming Worldviews: An Anthropological Understanding of How People Change" when he shares the fact that we cannot be content with seeing people simply moving toward right behavior and right beliefs as the essence of determining whether genuine transformation has taken place. We must see a transformation of worldview take place so that the way people look at the world around them and live their lives reflects the heart and character of God along with the virtues and values of His Kingdom that we find in the scriptures.


Randal Kay said...

Well said, Kevin.

I'm sermon this week is to be out of Acts 15. There were some Jews who were more interested in the outward appearance, that is circumcision, than they were about what the Holy Spirit was doing in the lives of the new Gentile believers. Thankfully, cooler heads prevailed and showed that what God was transforming inside, was more vital than how a person looked, maybe for the sake of your blog, even how they behaved on the outside.

True transformation will lead to outward changes as well. It seems to work best that way. Doing it the other way around doesn't always bear the fruit we hoped it would.

Keep preaching, Bro!

Rbe said...

We had a. Single missionary lady Dorothy Dobbs who came to camp. She worked at Tandala I've often wondered if they still have the school and hospital and orphanage . I see you have no mattresses for your hospital beds and no medicine for your shelves. I have a Ministry called the Bread of Life Ministry. I'll go round up some strays from jr. Girls camp and see what we can do to help you in your time of need. Pray the Lord of the Harvest will send forth laborers into the Harvest. The workers of the Kingdom have died out in their zeal to follow and serve the Lord. They have become taken by the cares of the world and the love of money, and not sought to further the Kingdom of God.inwardly they are wolves not hungry for the Word of God to grasp their hearts and change their drug addictive , alcohol ridden, sexual addicts to return to God and let Jesus into their hearts.m y Bread of Life Ministry is the one with the red Bible. I do share devotions almost every day and I pray God may bless your hearts with the light of the Gospel of God's gift of grace!

Rbe said...

Facebook page Bread of Life